Prof. Dr. Drs. Djoko Hartanto, M.Si.


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Prof. Dr. Drs. Djoko Hartanto, M.Si. is a full professor in inorganic natural products. He got his bachelor's and master’s degrees from the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Being active as a senior lecturer, specifically in inorganic chemistry, he also performed services in various positions in the department and university levels. In 2016, he obtained Ph.D. from the Department of Chemistry ITS.

His research interests are to develop zeolites and mesoporous materials based on the natural resources in Indonesia for various applications, especially for fine chemical synthesis, biodiesel production, and water treatments. This includes the use of zeolites and porous materials in the adsorption and photocatalytic process of wastewater and biodiesel production from palm oil mill effluent (POME). Moreover, he also concentrates his works on the extraction and processing of nickel ore and rare earth ores to their respective metal.  Beside the fundamental research, Prof. Djoko also widens his work to the actual application, such as by designing the prototype to convert the brine geothermal sludge into porous silica in cooperation with PT. Pertamina, a state-owned oil and gas company in Indonesia.

Prof. Djoko authored publications in reputable and Scopus-indexed journal, including solid state science, RSC Advances, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Powder Technology, microporous and mesoporous materials, etc. Currently, he is acting as the chair of the inorganic division in Himpunan Kimia Indonesian (Indonesian Chemical Society) and the chair of Ikatan Zeolit Indonesia (Indonesian Zeolites Association), which allow him to connect with various academia and industry stake holders.



2016  : Dr. in chemistry, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

1992  : Master in chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

1986 : Bachelor in chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)


Plenary Talk

Prof. Dr. Djoko Hartanto was invited as the Keynote speaker in 18th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICEE 2022) held by university Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Kuching, Serawak Malaysia on July 2022



 Selected Publications

-- 2022 –

-- 2021 –

Please click the List of Publication button below for publication starting from 2023
